Minddrive - (5) - THE ROAD TRIP - App Design
Game app designed for MINDDRIVE. The idea was to bring their road trip in reality into a mobile game. The goal was to increase awareness and social media attention to aid the campaign and the road trip.
Prototype: https://marvelapp.com/4f8995
Get Interactive!
Get Interactive!

Uses real-world issues of our time to teach urban students critical thinking,
creativity, entrepreneurship and how we can improve our lives.
(5) - THE ROAD TRIP - Game
Game app designed for MINDDRIVE. The idea was to bring their road trip
in reality into a mobile game. The goal was to increase awareness and
social media attention to aid the campaign and the road trip.
Uses real-world issues of our time to teach urban students critical thinking,
creativity, entrepreneurship and how we can improve our lives.
(5) - THE ROAD TRIP - Game
Game app designed for MINDDRIVE. The idea was to bring their road trip
in reality into a mobile game. The goal was to increase awareness and
social media attention to aid the campaign and the road trip.