For centuries, people have tended to prioritize their blood relationships. But sometimes we over-emphasized the importance of consanguinity. Family is important for sure, and it makes perfect sense for you to put your family in priority. But in some cases around the world, over-emphasizing blood relationships makes us overlook things; it makes us constrained and manipulated, and somehow it’s the reason that make us isolated from each other. And ironically, what make people blood related are non-blood related relationships. Again, family is always important to us, but we should take a step back and think with a broader perspective. Love your family without getting blind to facts and other things around your life. Are blood relationships stronger? Are non blood relationships weaker? I can’t guarantee any side but what truly matters is the true connection between any combinations of two people. For my images, I captured two people tangled up with some red and blue strings. These strings can serve the symbols of blood vessels, bonds, tensions or constraints. As consanguinity covers a huge diversity of stances and controversies, viewers are encouraged to read and judge regarding to their own perception and experience.